Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Doctor Freeman

The tools needed to get a baby out. I'm glad I never needed tools!
The process . . . imagine getting your temp. taken during delivery.

Cleaning the baby
Success!! A very happy mama--that still needs her temperature taken.

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Emily said...

That is so funny! The first picture of him, he looked a little mischevious. How cute that they play together in such a fun way!

The Self's said...

I hope you don't mind, I saw your comment on Emily's blog and had to check yours out. Let me know if it's okay to add you to my link list. (you're welcome to check mine out)

I can't believe how big your kids are getting! It's been so long, Amelia was just a baby when you guys moved. They're so stinkin' cute!! Congratulations on #3!!