Amelia loves to draw. All the kids love to make things, but Amelia probably draws a few things each day. Well the drawings add up. For a long time I didn't know what to do with all of these creations. She would color or draw something, bring it to me with pride, I would exclaim how marvelous it was, and when she wasn't looking I would sneak it into the trash. I know that's horrible, but I can't stand all the papers lying around on the tables. So I found a pattern to solve my problems in the book A Handmade Home, by Amanda
Soule. In the book it's a pattern for a letter satchel, so I just enlarged it for an art satchel. I made these about a year ago. And from then on it has been wonderful. She will come to me with a drawing, I will praise her, and then tell her if she wants to keep it to put it into her art satchel. Into the art satchel everything goes, and it doesn't clutter up the home. I decided that on each birthday we will pull out the art for the year and display it, so we all can admire what they have done throughout the whole year. We will pick through the ones they want to keep forever, file them away in the attic, and have a cleaned out art satchel to start the next year of their life. Now I feel guilt free of slipping stuff into the trash.

Malachi took it upon himself to decide which pieces should be presented on Amelia's big day.

I LOVE that she loves to draw. And I love her art work. It makes me giggle every time.

The art work of a four year old is something wonderful. And this newly five year old was more than delighted to share her masterpieces on her special day.

I'm excited for the prospect of pulling these out to decorate her
sixteenth birthday. She may hate me for it.
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Laurie, I just love your blog and all of these posts and photos - you give me such great inspiration for projects I can do with, if only I could take a sewing class from you because I am clueless!! Sending hugs your way!!
p.s. I think you have the beginnings of a great book that I would love to have as a resource and have many mama friends who would love it too!! Think about it!!
thanks casey!
sewing is a lot of fun. it's fun making things that your kids will cherish forever because you made them. i taught myself how to sew. it's just a lot of trial and error, and youtube helps a lot!
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