Thursday, July 16, 2009

Your life is over . . .

Malachi started kindergarten this past Monday. He has been so excited to go to school. But he began to get nervous and anxious about the whole thing about a week before because Justin kept telling him that his life was over and that he would be in school for the rest of his life. I was nervous as well, him being my first baby off to school. I wanted to scream "Don't do it! Don't go! You'll never be the same innocent boy again." Plus school somehow manages to eventually suck the will to learn right out of you. Everyone begins life eager to learn new things and school manages to squash that desire. You don't find it again until late in life when you've finally finished school but then you're too busy to learn all the things you want to. Not to mention too tired. The whole subject is a bit depressing to me.
This is a little work area we set up for him.

This is what he wore to go meet his teacher, Mr. Kirby. He told me he wanted to look handsome for his teacher, so I said go for it. And yes he even picked a rose to put in his pocket. He wanted to give the rose to his teacher, which he did even though he somehow managed to crumple it so much it was just a pile of petals. Mr. Kirby appreciated the gesture anyway and everyone got a kick out of his outfit.

This is his gear . . . we spaced it out for him.

And he's off . . . good luck kid.

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Micah and Melinda said...

Oh my gosh! Your little man is in school... holy crap! He sure looked sharp in his meet the teacher outfit!

Unknown said...

Good luck Malachi! I LOVED Kindergarten so much I went twice! (Actually I went to two different schools during my year in kindergarten). You will do a great job!

Lisa said...

So darling! I can hardly believe you have a kindergartener already.

Becky said...

He is too funny! I love the tie and the rose in his pocket--he's adorable! How come Kindergarten is starting already? Do you have year-round school? We don't start up again until September. It's so hard to see your baby go off on their first day! :(